| INFO@DISCBANDS.COM | TEL 518-915-5735 | US PATENT NO. 10,258,117

Halfmoon, NY, November 11, 2023
Discbands® helping officials at the Zero Gravity Tournament at the Impact Athletic Center.
Halfmoon, NY, July 18, 2022
Discbands® spotted at the Impact Athletic Center in Halfmoon, NY. Thank you!
Chicago, IL, July 9-12, 2021
Discbands® were popular at the tourney in Chicago.
Indianapolis, IN, July 5-8, 2021
Thank you Indianapolis officials for using Discbands® Alternate Possession Wristbands.
Commotion by the Ocean Showcase, May 29-30, 2021
Thank you officials in the Foxborough and Mansfield, MA area for using Discbands® Alternate Possession Wristbands at the Commotion by the Ocean Showcase.
Philly Showcase, May 14-16, 2021
Met some great people at the Philly Showcase this weekend. Thank you for using Discbands® Alternate Possession Wristbands.
Milwaukee Windy City Classic, Apr 23-25, 2021
Had a great time meeting many officials at the Windy City Classic! I received many great comments from officials who learned that Discbands® is now available. Check out the video.
Albany, NY Capital Center, Apr 10-11, 2021
Thank you to the officials using Discbands® at the Albany Capital Center this weekend!